Royal Oak Introduced First 'Official Seal' in 1965
Stories about growing up, living and working in Royal Oak.
New Story by Olie Green-Starr
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History is Life.
Blocks of ice were cut from the pond on Pingree, then stored in a nearby ice house for later distribution and sale.
In early days, Royal Oak Township had no printed receipts of its own. Shown are examples of forms provided by Oakland County or purchased from office supply stores.
Service clubs like the Lions, Rotary, Optimists, and Kiwanis- and their female counterparts like the Woman’s Club and the Soroptimists -- have a long civically focused history in Royal Oak.
This is what the Twelve Mile and Woodward area looked like in the 1925.
Old compilation of ordinances covers goats, immoral conduct, manure-handling, pool rooms, and
public library.
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