The library is open during museum hours for research. Museum docents can help you find published sources on Royal Oak history including city directories, family histories, yearbooks, and histories of churches, schools, subdivisions, and civic organizations. Maps, atlases, and hard copies of the Royal Oak Tribune are also available.
Archival collections include manuscripts (personal papers) and records (organizations, businesses, city government, etc. ) They are unique, primary source materials and can include diaries, correspondence, ephemera, scrapbooks, business ledgers and records, meeting minutes, photographs, and other original documents pertaining to the history of Royal Oak. The archival collections may also include newspaper clippings and other secondary source materials. Please contact the museum curator with any research questions. It may be necessary to schedule an appointment to view archival materials.
We are currently processing collections and creating finding aids and other descriptive tools to assist you with your research. Below is a list of collections that have recently been processed.
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